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Ecommerce Website Development Agency
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Our web development services have helped grow many ecommerce businesses across a multitude of sectors.
Here’s how our ecommerce site development services can help you grow your online sales.
The success of any ecommerce website is completely dependent on how well a website has been developed from the ground up. Like most things in life, if a website does not have a solid and sound foundation, the trajectory of success will always be held back by poor decisions at the outset.
It doesn’t just boil down to the technology being chosen either, although that does obviously play a crucial role, but the skills of the team involved are not to be understated, especially considering how multifaceted ecommerce websites (in many instances) need to be.
Therefore deploying a team with all the necessary skill sets is without question paramount to how well a website will ultimately perform in the long term.
Ecommerce Projects is an agency completely devoted to ecommerce, we eat, sleep and live in the online shopping world, and over the years have created a team of professionals, who all excel in each of the critical disciplines that make up the entire ecommerce spectrum.
At the outset of any new and exciting project we always embark at the same starting point, understanding what the business is and the proposition to its customers, and evaluating what assets a client has to begin with. Obviously for complete start up’s it’s a blank canvas, but for the vast majority of clients, they already have a functioning website, and it is up to us to get under the hood to establish whether a client’s existing assts are fit for purpose but just need our attention and love, or whether other technical solutions need to be recommended.
The starting point when engaging with a new client is to do a complete top to bottom audit of their current set up to be able to identify, recommend and address those elements that are presently holding the business back or simply not allowing them to scale up.
Figuring out a business’s best ecommerce strategy is another key task that is encompassed in the research phase of a project.
Once we have a greater understanding of a clients’ business proposition, we can then start analysing and understanding the market place they operate in, who is the competition and conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify the organic search opportunities which will ultimately shape the best strategy for the business to adopt. We can work together on this as you are bound to have information to share.
Choosing the right platform is without doubt a critical part to a website’s success, and like most things in life, there’s many platforms to choose from. Ecommerce Projects has experience with most, and once we get to understand your business in detail, we can determine which platform makes the most logical sense from both a technical and cost perspective for the short, mid and long term.
A word commonly used when talking about design is how ‘subjective’ it can be. Ecommerce Projects’ approach to overcome subjectiveness is a website must be functional and therefore our approach is always function over form and what makes the most logical sense. But that’s not to say the sites we design and build aren’t visually pleasing or professional, far from it. The websites we design and build tick all the necessary boxes, with ease of use and user-friendliness to maximise conversion at the very forefront of our approach.
Click for more information regarding Ecommerce Website Design
When it comes to developing a transactional website there are so many additional elements that require careful consideration, from offering the ability for customers to create their own accounts to manage profiles, marketing preferences, orders and returns, to creating wish lists or marking and saving favorites, to more advanced options such as offering multiple delivery options, currencies and languages.
Ecommerce Projects has a wealth of experience developing sites across a multitude of sectors, as well as businesses selling products to customers globally. Whatever your needs, Ecommerce Projects has the necessary know how to make it happen, as well as identify new functionalities and opportunities to grow a site’s sales even further.
No website can ignore the traffic opportunities to be gained from organic search, but so many sites fall short of generating traffic and orders from this source due to one fundamental issue, their website does not have a structurally sound hierarchy that meets the guidelines published by the likes of Google, that they absolutely crave for.
A key issue many Ecommerce businesses slip into, is utilizing free or low cost platforms such as WordPress’s WooCommerce, that’s not to say these platforms should be ignored, far from it, but it is a fact that these platforms DO NOT create ‘out-the-box’ SEO friendly hierarchies that meets the very specific guidelines published by Google.
Below are example WooCommerce URLs that are generated ‘straight-out-the-box’, unfortunately their platform generates category and product URLs that contain completely irrelevant levels, resulting in a completely flawed hierarchy from the outset.
WooCommerce: Example Category and Product URLs
Fortunately there are solutions that tackle these fundamental issues, and Ecommerce Projects are here to help.
What to read next: Click for more information regarding Ecommerce SEO
We provide individual client solutions to Ecommerce businesses. No two websites or businesses are the same, therefore the services we provide are specifically targeted to client needs to ensure we deliver maximum results.