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Ecommerce SEO Agency
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Our Ecommerce SEO services have helped grow many ecommerce businesses across a multitude of sectors.
Here’s how our SEO services can help you grow your online sales.
Generating organic traffic from Google is an essential ingredient for any ecommerce business, while the web is still considered by some to be a new medium, the simple fact is that it’s been around for over two decades, so it’s already very well established, and there’s many businesses that have finely tuned their online offering to reap the rewards that come with strong organic rankings – traffic, and because that traffic is so carefully targeted and relevant, it leads to strong conversions in the form of those all-important orders.
That said, there are many businesses that are missing out on this significant traffic source, and there can be a myriad of reasons, but for the vast majority it simply comes down to the way their website has been structured, that will in most instances, contain fundamental flaws that will be holding their sites back from ever performing at their optimum organically.
Whilst it is true that there are many different elements search engines like Google check, such as content, page speed, external links, conversion….the list goes on, if your website does not have a structurally sound hierarchy, it will always limit how well the site will perform organically.
The good news for many businesses is that it doesn’t need to remain that way, and with Ecommerce Projects help, we can analyse, research and recommend the necessary changes and strategy to turn your situation around, making your online store more competitive in this critically important area.
How do we do this?
As a dedicated Ecommerce SEO Agency, Ecommerce Projects eats, sleeps and lives in the world of online shopping and organic search, and has the necessary know how and experience to get a site ranking strongly in Google to start capturing that all-important traffic.
Here’s how we do it:
Whether you’re an established business or creating an Ecommerce offering from scratch, the starting point is always the same – research.
If you’re a business that is already selling online but isn’t performing at its best organically, we will perform a full website audit, which will include a number of tasks that will allow us to identify what issues are presently holding you back. We will run a crawl of your website, identify which pages Google has indexed, review your Google analytics account to help us build a complete picture of where you’re at.
Keyword Research
Next up is keyword research, understanding what searches users perform in Google is absolutely essential to know how your website should be structured and what content it requires to be able to exploit the traffic opportunities that exist.
This step is crucial irrespective of whether you’re an existing business or a complete start up, as it is this work that will completely shape up your businesses ecommerce strategy.
Competitor & Market Analysis
Another important step in the research phase of a project, is to better understand the market your business operates in and who are your competitors. This is a crucial part to becoming better acquainted with your businesses offering, as well as understanding opportunities you’re currently missing out on that are giving your competitors their edge, or similarly, opportunities that no one is presently taking advantage of. We can utilise information and insight you already have to ensure this analysis is efficient and effective.
Ecommerce Strategy
Whilst there are a number of elements that need to be incorporated into a business’s ecommerce strategy, one of the most important will be SEO, and for most businesses SEO will completely shape their ecommerce strategy to deciding what pages, categories, sub categories and products a site needs and the type of content those pages should feature.
A clear and well thought out strategy should work for the short, mid and long term to scale and grow a business in the online world, and this is where working with a full service agency such as Ecommerce Projects pays off.
Design & Development
All ecommerce projects at some stage will require the skills of web designers, developers or both. Here at Ecommerce Projects we have the ability to offer clients a multitude of approaches, if you wish to completely outsource these functions, then we have the resources in-house to provide a full ecommerce solution. But for some businesses who already have a design and development resource in-house, or already have an existing relationship with a dedicated web design & development company, then no problem, we will happily work with your existing teams.
Optimising a website comes in many guises, what can often be viewed as very simple decisions and tasks can result in opposite ends of the spectrum, from success to complete catastrophe. From carefully choosing the names of your pages, the words that make up your websites URLs, to the page titles, meta tags and the very content featured within pages, these are the elements that will help your website fly or prevent it from even making the start line.
No matter the size of the project or site, optimization is key, and Ecommerce Projects has the knowledge and experience to execute on all the areas that encompass optimisation.
Analysis & Reporting
Monitoring and analysing how a site is performing from an SEO point of view is absolutely critical, Ecommerce Projects use a multitude of tools to allow us to get fully under the bonnet to understand how a site is being crawled and indexed by search engines. This allows us to take necessary actions to continuously improve a site’s overall performance organically. Performance is monitored vigilantly and reported to clients frequently for full transparency.
What to read next: Click for more information regarding Website Development

We provide individual client solutions to Ecommerce businesses. No two websites or businesses are the same, therefore the services we provide are specifically targeted to client needs to ensure we deliver maximum results.